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BBAA Conference


 Annual Conference Details

Date: 12th & 13th June 2006

Venue: Royal Bank of Scotland, 280 Bishopsgate, EC2M 4RB

The BBAA held their second Annual Conference on the 12th and 13th June 2006. With over 180 attendees the conference was deemed alround to be a successful event.

For further information about the confernce click below:

Agenda of the Confernce

Chairman's overview of the event

Key Presentations

Rod Selkirk - BVCA
David McMeekin- Specialist early stage investing
Mary Reilly-London: Entrepreneurship and Enterprise
Leigh Hackel- Is there too much money in the U.K. early stage equity market?

If you would like further information about the conference or BBAA in general please contact Liz@bbaa.org.uk

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