Angel delight for Suffolk businesses

4 February 2011

Finance East, a subsidiary of the FSE Group, today launch the Suffolk Investor Club. As the first coordinated business angel programme in the county, its funders Suffolk County Council hope to encourage high net worth individuals to back small companies with big potential.

Sally Goodsell, Chief Executive, FSE Group said:

“Since the credit crunch small businesses are still finding it hard to access funding and business angels are a key source of provision. Research shows that 80 per cent of new jobs will be produced from companies under five years old so support for these ventures is essential to create jobs and boost the economy.  

We have high hopes that the Suffolk Investor Club will dramatically increase local investment.”  

This new investment club will hold regular meetings across the county to discuss investment opportunities and meet entrepreneurs. Members will invest as individuals as well as a syndicate to create a critical mass of funds and more opportunities to complete equity deals. Angels involved in the network will also benefit from support and advice, networking and training workshops from investment professionals at Finance East. 

Councillor Colin Law, Portfolio Holder for Skills and Economic Development at Suffolk County Council had this to say:

“Bringing investors together with Suffolk businesses will create great opportunities. Investment from business angels is vital to real economic growth. The scheme will ensure that when business start-ups are put in front of business angels they are ready to present fully developed business plans across the county.”  

Harry Berry, a venture capitalist and Chairman of the Eastern Enterprise Hub said:

"A support network is vital for Suffolk and a part of the Enterprise Hub strategy to support business start-ups in the region.  It will identify and bring together a group of investors who can back our new businesses and help to create new entrepreneurs."  

The investment club is keen to gain investment for all sectors but there will be a specific focus on the key areas of energy, food, drink and agriculture, ICT, biotech, high value manufacturing, creative industries and tourism. 

For information on either joining SIC as a member, Investor Forum Event dates or making an investment presentation at a SIC meeting please see the Finance East Website or contact Sally Goodsell, or visit  

About the FSE Group

The FSE Group is an independent fund management organisation which provides growth finance to ambitious businesses. The organisation has a strong track record of achieving significant results through relatively small investments. An economic impact study reported in 2010 found companies that FSE invested in grew almost five times faster than the national average. 

FSE has a unique business model. Whilst its funds are managed on a commercial basis to meet investor requirements FSE is a not-for-profit entity that does not distribute surpluses. 

The team has won many awards for its innovative approach to funding SMEs.

Finance East, based in Ipswich is part of the FSE Group and provides growth finance to innovative, ambitious businesses and entrepreneurs across the East of England.