
Since 1993 Exemplas has been assessing the economic and social needs facing organisations in the UK and internationally; and tailoring our solutions to meet them.

Our vision is to unlock potential in people, enterprises and communities. Our extensive experience in dealing with over 50,000 organisations has led us to research and develop best practice, delivering the right facilitators and programmes to achieve success. We support private sector organisations, from SMEs to large corporations; as well as local/regional government; education and skills department; the health and care sectors; social services; voluntary, community and social enterprises.

We are able to respond quickly to business issues and highlight and support areas for development.

We work with organisations to explore the key factors which influence their success including: engaging with the community, managing the change process, unlocking potential, developing enterprise and spreading best practice in all areas of people management.

Much of the support we provide is delivered through one-to-one advice, backed by workshops, training courses, consultancy or brokerage of outside services, as required. Our solutions fall broadly into the following areas: Leadership and Management Enterprise Skills Development Diversity and Social Responsibility Exemplas helps organisations to adapt and prosper. We assess their needs. We deliver innovative solutions.