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Yorkshire Association of Business Angels

Barbara Greaves/Charlotte Atkinson
1 Hornbeam House, Hornbeam Park, Hookstone Road

01423 810 149
01423 810 086


Yorkshire Association of Business Angels (YABA) is a unique regional forum which brings together the finance and business expertise of Business Angels with entrepreneurs and their new business ideas.  We currently have one hundred and twenty six Angel investor Members and fifty four Associate (corporate) members and with recent mail shots and other publicity the membership is rising.

YABA circulates investment opportunities to our investors fortnightly and holds bi-monthly presentation evenings at venues throughout the Yorkshire and Humber region when entrepreneurs can have an opportunity to present their business ideas to a highly receptive audience of invited members and other intermediaries.

Since its inception in 1995, the number of companies approaching us for funding is greater than at any other time and our meetings are well attended and offer a good networking opportunity.  We have now established a secure extranet on the YABA website for angel members to view and discuss the latest opportunities and register their details and make contact directly with each other. This has improved the means of registering an interest in a company and will help the syndication process. Experience shows that some ten per cent of ideas receive finance and support from Angels.  This investment, in turn, often releases further investment from financial institutions or grants.  

YABA is non-profit making, charging only a modest membership fee to Angels and Associates and a small administration charge to entrepreneurs. YABA takes no commission whatsoever from funds raised.

YABA is supported by Yorkshire Forward – the regional development agency and South Yorkshire Investment Fund.

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