Annual BBAA Survey of Business Angel Activity 2010/11

26 October 2011

As part of British Business Angels Association’s ongoing service to our members we are conducting a survey into Angel activity during the tax year 2010/11.

Business Angels are a vital source of finance for growing businesses.  However, so little is known about activity in the business angel market that we need to improve understanding of this vital market.  The British Business Angels Association (BBAA) is the national trade association dedicated to promoting angel investing and supporting early stage investment in the UK. Therefore, if we want policy makers to do the right things to help this market we need hard evidence.  Angels themselves, and their advisers, will also benefit from being able to see how what they do compares with the rest of the market.

So, we would be very grateful if you would take a few moments to answer the 13 questions in the below survey. 


All replies are completely anonymous, will not be shared with anyone else and any data will only be published in aggregate form.

The results will be available in the New Year.

The survey covers investments in unquoted companies made during the tax year 2010/11.